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#1 Re : Locations et baux » Où porter plainte pour mauvaise expertise ? » 24-07-2010 18:18:50

Francis a écrit :

Quelle type d'expertise: état des lieux, évaluation, expertise technique?

Quel expert: architecte, géomètre, ...?

Qui a commandé cette expertise et qui l'a payée?

Oui, cétait état des lieux
expert - franchement, je ne sais pas quel type. Il est dans l'aasociation CIBEX.
Expertise a été commandé par proprietaire et payée par nous deux (frais partages)...

#2 Locations et baux » Où porter plainte pour mauvaise expertise ? » 24-07-2010 18:18:50

Réponses : 6

et où peux je me plandre pour le qualite d'expertise (et expert)? officiellement?

#3 Re : Locations et baux » Conflit avec proprietaire » 25-07-2010 17:02:30

grmff a écrit :

1. There is no "official price list"

2. If you signed, it's too late.

3. There is no blacklist for landlord, neither for tenants. It's unlawfull, unfortunatelly.

So you mean that they can put the price of cleaning lady as € 50 per hour and you have to accept it?? it's impossible!

#4 Re : Locations et baux » Conflit avec proprietaire » 25-07-2010 17:02:30

Panchito a écrit :

I presume you have shared the costs of the expert with the landlord?

If this is the case, the expert represents equally the interests of both parts.

If you didn't agree with the expertise, why did you sign it?
I am afraid it is too late, now.

Yes, we did share the costs of the expert. But an expert is chosen by him so they know each other very well..
I signed because I was pressed by both lanlord, (who's been telling me that i moved out 1 month before official preavie) and expert (who told me that should i disagree with the result of expertise , the other expert would cost more).
I had to pay a lot of money for clean , very well handled appartment. That's why I want to know which organisation regulated teh price lists of the experts, based on which the final costs of the things are calculated during an expertise...

#5 Locations et baux » Conflit avec proprietaire » 25-07-2010 17:02:30

Réponses : 14


Je suis desolée par avance, mais pour ne pas faire bcp de fauts en français, j'écrirais en angle.

Please help me with an advice what I still can do or how I can help other people not to get in a same situation as myself.
Yesterday I had a final expertise in the appartment where I lived 4 years. I was a very good tenant, always paied my rent in time, never a problem witha anything broken, etc. Really neat and tidy.
When I moved in , the appartment was completely reinnovated, so it is written in the expertise - '1ere habitation'. The expert was the same (that has been chosen by my proprietaire), and he did the final expertise at the end.
When the expert has been doing an expertise, he has shown the price list that he claimed was an official one. The prices were extermely high for anything. For example, an hour of the cleaning lady was calculated as € 25 per hour. At the end, based on extremely minor remarks, he has calculated the amount of € 700, operating that he calculated everything based on his offical list.
Rico, can you tell me please based on which article or law these prices can be controlled and regulated for the experts to use?

Second part of a story:
I gave my préavie 3 months in advance before moving out. However, I asked to move out 1 month before the preavie ends. The proprieataire seemed to approve it at first, but then almost forced me to move out in the first week of July (the whole month is paid of course) and has ordered an expert on the 13th day of the month. Under teh pressure of teh fact that I asked to move out one month in advance, I have signed the expertise yesterday, with wich I was not agree. Rico, is there any possibility to protest the decision of expertise; to do anything?

And the third question: does the black lists for proprietaire exist?
Thank you in advance for all the responses.

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