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Prorogation du bail - 1 an

Pimonaute non modérable
Lieu : Sibulaga, Onatawani
Inscription : 25-05-2004
Messages : 23 484

Re : Prorogation du bail - 1 an

Is it your main residence? Are you student? Have you another official adress?

The type of contract is important. In case of a second résidence contract, the phrase "Aucune des parties pourra invoquer la tacite reconduction du present bail" is valid and usual.

In the case of a contract of "résidence principale", it is not valid. And if the landlord did not send you a letter by Recommandé, your contract is automatically transformed in a contract for 9 years.

Please check your contract... and come back to us.
Your personnal situation will also be important.

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Inscription : 12-10-2007
Messages : 11

Re : Prorogation du bail - 1 an

Yes, I have all the emails on my PC and yes, the new contract is not signed yet on paper because we didn't have the opportunity to meet in the last weeks (I was abroad working).

I add more details. It's not a misunderstanding, beacause the landlord came to my place giving me the letter by hand. He wants me to leave beacuse he is breaking up with his wife and she wants to stay here.
The strange think is that the day before giving me the letter he told me I had 3 months to leave and he was open to do everything to help me and leave before the 3 months, he was even open to pay me to go out. But yesterday he came back with this letter and in a very arrogating way he told me that without a new contract signed I am here but he can kick me off when he wants.

In the past I was doing all this stuff about contract with his wife, but now he is doing everything.

So, what should I do in your opinion and which are my rights? Can this article in the contract "Aucune des parties pourra invoquer la tacite reconduction du present bail" give him the right to kick me off now, even if I had emails proving that they asked me to extend the contract, I paid the rent for 2 months and they didn't refuse? And I also have a 3 months deposit...

Merci merci merci

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Pimonaute incurable
Inscription : 06-07-2006
Messages : 2 796

Re : Prorogation du bail - 1 an

Bon, si on peut répondre en français, ca m'évitera d'utiliser le traducteur de google lol.

Avez vous conservé l'email reconduisant votre contrat?

Quand vous indiquez "(she sent me a copy by email 2 weeks ago).", cela veut dire que vous avez reçu le contrat mais  que vous ne l'avez pas signé??

Et last but not least : avez vous contacté le propriétaire par téléphone? Peut-être s'agit-il simplement d'un malentendu?

Quoi qu'il en soit, votre cas est tout à fait défendable devant un tribunal. Ne vous inquiétez pas, la Loi protège bien les locataire en Belgique  wink

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Inscription : 12-10-2007
Messages : 11

Prorogation du bail - 1 an


I write in English because my French is very bad, I hope you can help me because I am in a big trouble.

I signed a 1 year contract from 1st Sept. 2006 to 31st August 2007, and at the beginning of August 2007 I received an email from the landlord asking me if I wanted to extend the contract for a second year at the same price. My answer by email was YES.

I paid as usual the rent for September 2007 and October 2007, but we haven't signed a new contract yet (she sent me a copy by email 2 weeks ago).

Yesterday (12th October) I received a letter from the landlord telling me that I have to leave on 31st October 2007 because my lease contract expired on August 2007 and as written in the contract "Aucune des parties pourra invoquer la tacite reconduction du present bail".

What should I do now? Is the landlord right? The landlord didn't refuse my payment for the rent of September 2007 and October 2007. Does this mean anything? And what about the emails she wrote me? Are those accepted for the extension?
Last question: is the article "Aucune des parties pourra invoquer la tacite reconduction du present bail" legal according to Belgian Law?

Hope you can help. Thanks in advance.
PS You can also answer me in French, no problem.

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