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problems with landlord

Lieu : Uccle
Inscription : 09-03-2007
Messages : 1

problems with landlord

I have a problem with my former landlord. Here are the facts:

I signed a contract (bail) which started 15 july 2005. I pay rent (around 2000 € pr month) in advance.
I canceled the contract according to article 16 with 3 months "preavis" to the 1st in a month (letter dated 27 september, end of contract 31 december)
The 27/11 the landlord calls Etat de lieu on my behalf for the 18/12.
I paid last rent 15 december - (one month - in my oppinoin ½ month as rent to 1 january and ½ mont as part of payment of the etat de lieu-bill).
Etat de lieu said on the 18 december that we shall pay around 7.200 € (3.200 for painting, gardening and so on plus 4.000 € as 2 months rent). We accepted the amount.
The 21/12 we hand in the last key to landlord.

I paid 7.200 € (the 1.000 € paid in advance, 6.000 € transfered from the blocked garantie bancaire, and 200 € by virement).

I have documentation of all these things.

The landlord's lawyer tells me that I have to pay rent to 15 january - ½ month extra. In the contract is written that "le loyer annuel est fixe á la somme de 24000 € soit 2000 € par mois ... par anticipation ... pour le 15 de chaque mois." In other words: The contract doesn't mention half months rent, so I have to pay a whole month rent on the 15 december regardles that the contract terminates the 1 january!

Can that be correct??!

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Pimonaute incurable
Inscription : 06-07-2006
Messages : 2 798

Re : problems with landlord

Waow. PIM s'exporte  wink

Mmmh comme je vois la chose, vous vous êtes trompée dans la date de fin de contrat. Si celui-ci commençait un 15, il est logique qu'il se termine un 15 également... Mais parlons nous bien d'un bail en Belgique?

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Pimonaute non modérable
Lieu : Sibulaga, Onatawani
Inscription : 25-05-2004
Messages : 24 038

Re : problems with landlord

As for me, if you have a contract for main residence in Belgium, you are correct. The préavis starts 1st of the month after your letter, and ends 3 months later. This is legal in Belgium for main residence.

The fact is that there are always troubles with contracts starting in the middle of the month... misunderstanding and so on.

As I understand, the contrat started on 15, and you paid rent for the month starting on the 15, ending 14 nex month.

As you paid full month in december, I think it is crazy. Because your rent finished on 31th of december. And 1000€ for an "état des lieux" seems a lot to me. As you only pay half of it, it means a total of 2000€ fot the "état des lieux. That's a lot...

As the landlord sees you are a over-very-super good payer, he tries to get even more... In my opinion, he abuses!

But I should read the full contract, préavis letter and signed "état des lieux"

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