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(En anglais, desolee)
I am buying an apartment with furniture in Brussels, price is >300,000. The owner offered to receive 30,000 for furniture and the rest for the apartment (so he pays lesser tax, and lowers the price for me).
How risky is it to put 30,000 for furniture? Can authorities levy a fine? Or they will never find out (e.g. if it is not mentioned in compromis de vente)?
Hors ligne
No real risk if the furnitures are worth the price of ~30.000 €.
Wether it's not, authority could review the apartment price so taxes are also highered.
They will see it, as this is to be mentionned in your official acts.
To lower the price by 30k is mostly interesting for the buyer. The seller has no interest in that, in most of the cases.
--> I just advise you to get a list of all the furnitures concerned, with a detailed price for each.
Hors ligne
Les droits d'enregistrement sont dus sur la valeur vénale du bien. Soyez donc attentif à ne pas vous exposer à une "insuffisance".
Le prix de vente peut être décomposé "pro fisco" entre valeur immeuble et valeur meubles, mais cela doit être plausible et raisonnable.
Parlez-en à votre propre notaire.
Hors ligne
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