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Is it legal to dry cloths inside the apartment ?

Pimonaute assidu
Inscription : 13-03-2016
Messages : 103

Is it legal to dry cloths inside the apartment ?

I have signed a rental contract , for an apartment in Brussels capital region, simply printing the contract template from  bail de résidence principale pour un immeuble sis dans la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale (2014v4)

The tenant installed a washing in side the apartment now and I am worried this may lead to humidity issues. She has been using a public wash/dry facility so far . She consulted her lawyer and says she will dry her 12 year old child's cloth and  her panties inside the apartment.  I am worried she would dry the entire washing machine load inside her apartment. The apartment is less than 70 m2 and she is already not aerating it enough, be it winter or summer.

I  am trying her to sign following condition but she refuses to do so:

Vous êtes autorisé à installer la machine à laver si vous acceptez les conditions suivantes:Nous ajouterons la condition suivante au contrat de location:

  • Ne jamais faire sécher de linge dans votre appartement ou dans un espace public/commun (y compris l'accès au garage, à l'avant du garage, au jardin, etc.)

  • Arrangez-vous pour sécher vos vêtements avec les propriétaires sèche-linge ou en le prenant à un séchoir commercial à l'extérieur pour le séchage.

  • Aérer l'appartement selon l'instruction ci-jointe.

  1. Does PIMv4 contract  has regulations with respect to drying cloths inside the apartment?

  2. Is it legal to dry cloths inside the apartment?

  3. If not, how can I enforce her to not to dry cloths in the apartment?

  4. Do I have the right to add above conditions to the rental contract?

By the way, plaster on the living Hall has already pealed of for about a couple of  m2. This issue is not so visible as it is behind a radiator. The kitchen needs re-furnishing as well. Are these points sufficient to evict the tenant with a six months notice, to repair the apartment?

Dernière modification par IBS (23-01-2017 21:08:19)

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Pimonaute incurable
Lieu : Liège
Inscription : 05-06-2013
Messages : 4 091

Re : Is it legal to dry cloths inside the apartment ?

Of course it is legal. You can't force anyone to buy a machine or not, or to use a commercial service.
The main principle is that you're giving an appartment to a tenant, who can use it as she/he wants, and then returns it to you in the same state.

You can't rule the life of a tenant  wink
I woudn't have signed it either.

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Pimonaute assidu
Inscription : 13-03-2016
Messages : 103

Re : Is it legal to dry cloths inside the apartment ?

Thank you for clarifying  Himura!

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Pimonaute non modérable
Inscription : 03-10-2006
Messages : 5 476

Re : Is it legal to dry cloths inside the apartment ?

Himura a écrit :

Of course it is legal. You can't force anyone to buy a machine or not, or to use a commercial service.
The main principle is that you're giving an appartment to a tenant, who can use it as she/he wants, and then returns it to you in the same state.

You can't rule the life of a tenant  wink
I woudn't have signed it either.

non, le locataire ne peut l'utiliser comme il veut, il doit le faire en bon père de famille

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Pimonaute incurable
Lieu : Liège
Inscription : 05-06-2013
Messages : 4 091

Re : Is it legal to dry cloths inside the apartment ?

Erico a écrit :
Himura a écrit :

Of course it is legal. You can't force anyone to buy a machine or not, or to use a commercial service.
The main principle is that you're giving an appartment to a tenant, who can use it as she/he wants, and then returns it to you in the same state.

You can't rule the life of a tenant  wink
I woudn't have signed it either.

non, le locataire ne peut l'utiliser comme il veut, il doit le faire en bon père de famille

roll roll roll  ..... Certes.

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