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Advice Regarding Syndic in New Property

Inscription : 11-09-2018
Messages : 2

Advice Regarding Syndic in New Property


Apologies for posting in English but my French is not good enough to explain properly.

We recently bought our first apartment. Upon getting the keys, we were told that the front door doesn't close.
We live in Brussels 1000, and learnt after going there together that the front door, on the street, just opens when someone pushes against it.

Total safety nightmare!

I called the man in charge of the syndic and he said it is necessary to wait until the end of October to have a general meeting and a vote on replacing the door with a new door. In the meantime the lock can be changed, but he said it always breaks after one or two days.

What can we do here? Obviously I feel this is an emergency and we need a new door immediately! How can we make this clear and create the situation where they fix the door tomorrow?

I think all the other people who live in the building rent, and as such probably don't even know his name, or contact..

Any and all help very welcome!

Thank you,

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Pimonaute non modérable
Inscription : 19-06-2012
Messages : 10 015

Re : Advice Regarding Syndic in New Property

A new main entrance door can easily cost more than 2000€.

The Syndic reports to the co-owners and is not entitled to take any decision concerning how to spend the money of the co-owners.

He is hired by the co-owners to implement the decisions taken by the co-owners during the AG.

So you should first submit a request to him in order to put on your next AG agenda, the replacement of the main entrance door.

You and the other owners can go to the AG with some quotes.

Then you will vote.

If the majority of co-owners vote to replace the door, then the syndic will be in charge of replacing the door based on the quote selected during the AG.

NB: you may only vote decisions that were indicated on the agenda

Dernière modification par panchito (11-09-2018 16:16:02)

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Inscription : 11-09-2018
Messages : 2

Re : Advice Regarding Syndic in New Property

Thank you for replying to me.

Do you know if it is possible to call an Emergency AG? Or could the syndic not do this because it is an emergency measure? It seems mad to wait until the next AG to fix the front door..

Thanks again.

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Pimonaute non modérable
Inscription : 19-06-2012
Messages : 10 015

Re : Advice Regarding Syndic in New Property

Of course you can! You and the other co-owners are the shareholders, so you have the decision power, not the Syndic!

The rule to call an Emergency AG (AGE) is that you need to submit an agenda signed by 20% of the voting power.

the Syndic has then 15 days to organize it.

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Pimonaute non modérable
Lieu : Sibulaga, Onatawani
Inscription : 25-05-2004
Messages : 24 072

Re : Advice Regarding Syndic in New Property

An AG is not an easy thing to organize. If you have an ordinary AG (AGO), the syndic will wait till there.

How many appartment in the condo?

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