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Book recommendation for house buying

Inscription : 16-04-2024
Messages : 2

Book recommendation for house buying

Hi, I just wanted to recommend the book "how to buy a home in Belgium" available on Amazon DE. Very useful. If anyone else has any useful resources to share (books, websites, YouTube clips, podcasts) I would love to hear them. Thanks

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Pimonaute non modérable
Lieu : Uccle, Bruxelles, Belgique
Inscription : 10-03-2004
Messages : 17 599
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Re : Book recommendation for house buying

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Pimonaute non modérable
Lieu : Uccle, Bruxelles, Belgique
Inscription : 10-03-2004
Messages : 17 599
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Re : Book recommendation for house buying

Tant qu'à faire de la pub, voici ce que j'ai trouvé sur Amazon Belgique.
J'ignore la qualité de cet ouvrage.


How to buy a home in Belgium: Complete guide covering all 3 regions, including specific advice for greater Brussels, 25 pro tips, detailed timeline, list of resources, checklists, glossary

How to buy a home in Belgium: Complete guide covering all 3 regions, including specific advice for greater Brussels, 25 pro tips, detailed timeline, list of resources, checklists, glossary Broché – 5 avril 2024
Édition en Anglais de Cornelius Von Zuben (Auteur)

Buying a home is probably the most important financial decision of your life. It can be a daunting prospect, even if done in your home country in your own language. Let alone in Belgium, with its complex linguistic setup and frequently changing rules that differ between regions. In addition, prices have skyrocketed, interest rates have increased again, and real incomes are stagnating. You don't know where to start, and the entire process is difficult to understand. It is exhausting, exciting and nerve-wracking. You shouldn't have to do it alone.

There is plenty of generic advice available in English on buying real estate, both online and in excellent books. For Belgium specifically, there are several books available in French, but just one that is not focused on buying to let as an investment, and it is rather verbose. A book on living and buying in Belgium also exists in Dutch. But to my knowledge, there are no books available in English specifically for Belgium. This book aims to fill that gap, focussing on buying a home for personal use and covering all three regions; Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia. The time of writing is April 2024.

This is a complete but concise guide to the entire procedure and all its practical, legal, and financial aspects. It covers houses as well as apartments and includes specific advice for both. The book uses non-technical English language and provides the French equivalent term in brackets for convenience. It will make frequent reference to websites where you can find more information in English, French, or Dutch - treasure troves that the author has found over the years. It also includes specific advice for greater Brussels, 25 pro tips, a detailed timeline, a list of resources, checklists, and a glossary.

The author is an expat and an economist. His experience is based on buying 4 pieces of real estate: 2 apartments to let for which the rental income just exceeds the monthly mortgage payment, 1 apartment for own use sold after 5 years at a profit of more than 70,000 euros, and his current family home. Having bought his first apartment earlier than most of his friends and colleagues, he has advised several of them over the years, which allowed him to learn from their experiences, as well as his own mistakes.

This is the book he wishes he had read before starting his own real estate adventure.

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