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#1 Locations et baux » Relevé de Compteur » 05-12-2010 22:13:41

Réponses : 1

D'abord veuillez excuse mon français.

Je suis en désaccord avec mon ex-propriétaire concernant la dernière lecture du compteur pour le chauffage central au gaz.

Le système est un système de chauffage Caloribel partagé, avec les différents compteurs numériques attachés à chaque radiateur.
Quand j'ai quitté l'appartement, nous avons convenu relevés de compteur, mais pas les lectures sur les radiateurs. Le locateur lire "un compteur de gaz", mais je crois que ce compteur de gaz a été peut-être pour l'ensemble du bâtiment.

Le propriétaire insiste c'est le compteur corriger à lire pour mon appartement.

Ma question est la suivante:

a. Est-il possible que chaque appartement dispose d'un compteur de gaz (sur un système partagé Caloribel) ou est-ce tout simplement pas le cas, et les lectures ne sont pertinents les uns sur les appareils numériques sur les radiateurs.

b. Si j'ai signé le relevé du compteur mal, je suis responsable de la facture totale?

Cette situation est compliquée par le fait que le propriétaire a pris 2 ans pour me faire part de cette confusion.

A nouveau, désolé pour ma français.

#2 Locations et baux » Gérance + Frais adm: à charge du locataire? » 26-07-2010 11:23:19

Réponses : 3


Mon probléme concerne un apartement, dont j'étais locataire et que j'ai quitté depuis 2 ans (quitté en 2008).

Je récemment reçu une demande de payer les frais d'exploitation pour les années 2006 et 2007.

Inclus dans le calcul est un montant pour:
    Gérance + Frais Adm, pour la somme de:
              2.500 euros 2006
              2.500 euros 2007
50% de ce montant est mis à ma charge (1.250 '06 + 1.250 '07)

Dans le contrat de bail il y a seulement une clause concernant les frais communs "65 euros par mois de provision de charges (mazout, électricité des communs, eau chaude)"; rien de plus n'est mentioné.

Voila ma question: suis-je obligé de payer les 1.250 euro demandés (pour chaque année)?

D'avance, je vous remercie pour votre assistance

#3 Re : Locations et baux » Baileur refusing to carry out check out inventory » 14-05-2010 07:18:49

... and sorry forgot to mention that I did actually sign at the end of April for the inventory to be done ... I deleted all lines on the contract and wrote 'no further conditions apply' ... thsi was the only way I could get the expert to actually release the report.

#4 Re : Locations et baux » Baileur refusing to carry out check out inventory » 14-05-2010 07:18:49

there is actually update on this one:

First to answer the questions:
a) guarantee is still blocked
b) receipt for keys, states 'Receipt for <address>, on behalf of <agent company>  ...  2 keys, 1 post box key and one garage remote control'. All confirmed, dated and signed.

The update to the story is that I sooke with the expert, who has confirmed that the check-out took place in my absence in March (contract finished end of November) and that they found 800 euros worth of damage ... guess what, after the agent showing visitors around for 4 months in the gap period, the apartment became dirty again.

Question now, is this worth contesting, or is it just better to pay the 800 euros and write it down as another life lesson.

Once again, thanks for your input, appreciated that people actually help out like this. If any one knows a reputable lawyer who could take this on, by all means please pass on details.


#5 Re : Locations et baux » Baileur refusing to carry out check out inventory » 14-05-2010 07:18:49


Thanks for the reply...

I was not present at the check out... it was done in March, and they gave me 1 days notice (not easy when abroad). They went ahead with it anyway and three weeks later sent me a form to sign stating that 'i give authorization' for the survey. 

Since that day, I have been trying to get a copy of the survey. The expert that did the inventory is as stated on the contract. I will call him direct tomorrow.

As regards the keys, I do indeed have a document proving receipt from the agent (albeit the receptionist), although she did state she was authorized to sign. There appears to be no conditions attached.

At this stage, I am happy to pay for a lawyer to wrap this mess up. If you are qualified, please send me your details and we can take cotact.

Thanks again.

#6 Locations et baux » Baileur refusing to carry out check out inventory » 14-05-2010 07:18:49

Réponses : 11

Apologies for writing in English, if anyone can help, it would be appreciated.

I have a standard 9yr lease, which I terminated by registered mail in September, and moved out 3 months later.

Since then, I have tried weekly to get the landlord (or to be more exact the landlord's agent) to conduct the check out inventory. But they keep giving excuses. I am now paranoid that someone will claim I have not terminated the lease properly and will ask for rent from November until May.

The lease stated the baileur is Mrs X, represented by Agent Y (who signed)

I sent the registered letter only to Mrs X, and not to Agent Y.

However, I did physically deposit the keys back with Agent Y on December 1st, and obtained a signed paper to state receipt.

It is now May, and as I say, the agent claims they did the checkout inventory in March, but still no sign, despite calling.

I have a lengthy email chain (although not sure how much that counts for)

Time for lawyer, or I am being paranoid?

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