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What if one of the tenants want to leave in the middle of the contract period?

Pimonaute assidu
Inscription : 13-03-2016
Messages : 103

What if one of the tenants want to leave in the middle of the contract period?

Two adult men want to sign a lease contract with me for renting my apartment in Brussels capital region.
Initial contract period is for one year; Both are single. They are renting the apartment together to reduce the rental cost.  Looks like they are skilled workers.

The contract template is bail de résidence principale pour un immeuble sis dans la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale (2014v4)

Both men are  Belgians, doing some free lance work, in their mid-twenties, also planning to do some studies.
One of the men's mother would help with his rent if income is low. 
Other man has been living independently for more than 5 years already and he is responsible for his financial health?rent paying capabilities.

They insist they want to sign the contract together. and not on any single person's name.

  1. What are the implications  to the contract  if (only) one of them want to leave  in the middle of a contract period?

  2. What if one leaves and second person says he will pay his part of rent and charges only?

  3. How can I protect in this scenario of one leaving? Do I need to put any special clause in the contract to protect myself,  that they should live together or leave together, or find themselves a replacement if one wants to leave?

Thanks in advance

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Pimonaute incurable
Inscription : 05-02-2011
Messages : 2 962

Re : What if one of the tenants want to leave in the middle of the contract period?

Les deux colocataires sont responsables solidairement vis à vis du bailleur. Donc, surtout ne pas prévoir de clause qui limite la responsabilité des cocontractants.

D'ailleurs dans le bail PIM, c'est écrit: 'Obligés solidairement et indivisiblement'.

Dernière modification par libra (29-09-2016 05:50:19)

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Pimonaute non modérable
Lieu : Sibulaga, Onatawani
Inscription : 25-05-2004
Messages : 24 099

Re : What if one of the tenants want to leave in the middle of the contract period?

What are the implications  to the contract  if (only) one of them want to leave  in the middle of a contract period?

The tenants are "one person". If one wants to leave, he is still responsible for the rent. Or they have to negotiate with you. In any case, they can not change the contract if you don't want.

What if one leaves and second person says he will pay his part of rent and charges only?

If one leave and the other stays, there is no change for you, no change in the responsibilities, no change in the contrat.

How can I protect in this scenario of one leaving? Do I need to put any special clause in the contract to protect myself,  that they should live together or leave together, or find themselves a replacement if one wants to leave?

No. No need to protect your self. Maybe they should sign something together to clarify the situation in case one leave. But it's not your business, it's theirs!

If you want to be socially supportive of two youngs who don't know the troublle they might get into, ask them to sign a "Convention de colocation", clarifying the situation in case one wants to leave.

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Pimonaute assidu
Inscription : 13-03-2016
Messages : 103

Re : What if one of the tenants want to leave in the middle of the contract period?

Very Helpful, as always!!!
Thanks a lot Grmf! big_smile

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